
Everything related to learning programming


First off, Google is your friend! It’s unlikely you are the first person to have whatever problem you are having, and chances are if you search the error you will find someone with a solution, which leads to the next resource.

Chances are, you will find the answers to the problems you may have on a site called Stack Overflow. Stack Overflow is also your friend! You will find most of the answers you need there.


There are many ways to learn Python.

A great place to start is the official Python tutorial. Chapters 1-4 will introduce basic concepts, 5-9 expand and will teach you nearly everything you would ever need to know to program a robot. At the very least, you must read chapters 1-4 and chapter 9 which explains classes, which are the building blocks of the robot.

If you’re too lazy to even look at the official tutorial here’s the official Readthedocs for robotpy. Read all of this,and you’ll be pretty much covered.

There are also many websites you can use to learn Python.

  • Learn Python the Hard Way provides an easy to follow guided tutorial on the language

  • Codecademy provides an interactive tutorial with an online editor

  • If you want more self guided instruction:

    • Exercism provides problems where you submit the solution but does not guide you though it

    • Codewars and similar sites provide competition where you can improve your programming skill by completing short challenges.